Judgement that is something I use to do when I drank. Sitting there and judging people because or there control on drinking or juding them by the way they dressed or acted I always thought they where better then me, but I would never say that OUT LOUD. I see it now in different ways people judging people.Like I said in my passed entry the people that I thought would be happy for me now moving on with my life sober and working on life problems One day at a time and making it thur the hurt and pain of soberity, and not only mine but Robs he has 10 years coming up I had to remember he is sick too and our relationship took work. My family and people on the outside seen the hurt and pain at times and just like the people we hurt when we where drinking they don't forget, but one thing they don't keep into play is that I HAVR A PROGRAM todayand I'm going thur my ups and downs sober. I never was married, engaged, had kids, did I ever do sober now I'm moving on with my life and it is about time reguardless of what other people think. I'm going to be married sober and we are too old for kids so we can jump right into the fun and no pressures of bearing children we already did that. I'm entering a union sober it is different then any other time. I've been married before and failed with my drunkness but God had other plans for my future that was out of my control thanks be to him. So I just have to keep in mind not everyone will be happy for us but my live is going to go on. With AA-God and working together and with others we will be a unstoppable couple and we know how to work out the corks now it took time but then time does stand for THIS I MUST EARN... Looks like I'll have a small attendence at our wedding but the people that are suppost to be there WILL With love and prayers Gail the jersey shore girl....
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