If only we could learn from nature, "Be Still' for we are in a freeze and this too shall pass. I found for me this transition isn't easy. It's not about putting the drink down it's protecting the person I know I Am. Feelings, Emotion's, Love and hurt that's a big lesson but not always learned the first time.The connection with some people are amazing and to be re-connected with people you love and love you for you is a gift . The love I have found in the pass few plus years and to see what it is today I just pray. I'm opening my eyes again to see Gods beauty and to say thank you. I have to turn my love inward and love myself for the honest, loyal, trusting person that I am.
And someday have a person in my life with the same values. I hurt, I'm confused but One Day At A time..... I will continue to be a winner because I hang with the winners.
Till Later Light/ love Jersey Shore Girl... gail
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