You know that pain from a tooth ache? Sometimes it can hurt to the core and you beg for help. You start to feel better and it's at the bottom of your list again, but still though of.
Well when i hit my bottom it was some-like that. Well now into the sixth year but who is counting ( I have a day at a time ) most day's I try. It is the emotional part. Fear, restless,like total surrender jumping into the void. What's on the other side only God knows. I have to count the blessings in my life and protect myself emotionally for what I have or may have left. I've been going to Al non and it seems to be helping, with restraint of pen and tongue. Heart and Soul is a totally different chapter. The Weller you get, the weller the people around you get!!!! Someone dear told me that along time ago. I NEVER FORGOT IT. It's true. Well till later Light and Love, Jersey Shore Girl Gail
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