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Saturday, October 2, 2004

What a Direction.

Well yesterday was my One year anniversary of being Sober. It was incrediable, I have so much to be Greatful for. I said a prayer before I went to go speak and God gave me the words, they just came flowing out. It was the first time in two years that all three of my children where in the same room together and sitting with each other. My husband gave them a ride there and I'm very grateful for that. All at once it seems like my Life has just opened up on a new level I'm going to take it Day to Day there is just so much to write about and my mind is working faster then my typing right now so I'm just going to sit back and reflect on the Gifts of Soberty that God has put in my path and even there its One Day At A Time... Till later i'm just so Full of happiness I have to enjoy it for the time being because like everything " THIS TOO SHALL PASS "LOL God Bless You All: Gail


Anonymous said...

i am a single mom...  i have been sober for a whopping 5 days. i am only 22- but i know these are the hardest days yet. not only do i need a beer....  my daughter and myself are sick. i will read your entries to give me hope. i know it may sound dumb- but i need to know that it can be done. so thank you already....  rachel

Anonymous said...

Congrats Gail and God Bless u too.
