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Friday, February 20, 2004

cont.. Acceptance is more then saying IM

I still have to work and put my moods in check sometimes, when I get into that self pity and obsessive thoughts, I just have to remember what a friend told me remind myself, Where are you? (Here) What time is it? (Now) and you can just start your day all over again at ANY time. Meetings and people are very important, to here people share there life stories with Pain, Happiness, it is a never ending road but it just gets greener and life starts to reform. To see people ( newcomers ) when they first come in, and then after even a couple of weeks starting to want what we have , a second chance on life they get that glow back that look of life. ( and gods will ) it is amazing. I use to beg for a second chance on my marriage, I never knew how important it really was to me because I was blind to all lifes facts, I use to pray ( please god make everything just go back good ) but now I realize He did answer me I have a second chance on LIFE! (SOBER) if anything else comes along it will just be a plus. I have the Love of my children That is god sent, and I do know I'am still loved . It takes time to get to just this point of my life with a WHOLE lot ahead of me, and it feels good. Emotions we all deal with that is life, and they can become unbearable at times but this too shall pass, it's really hard to believe but it does.  I have to accept the things I can't change, because if I don't it could spin me right back to that insane way of living in my case it would be , Not gods will but my Last will and testament I could never live threw my active addiction again, Now that is ACCEPTANCE!!!!!!! God Bless, Love to all, Gail


Anonymous said...

thank you. I enjoyed reading your thoughts

Anonymous said...

I just found your journal. It's amazing. I too am a recovering alcoholic and my therapist reccomended I start a journal to help me in recovering. I'm only 23 and have no kids, but I see so much of myself in you. Thank You, Angel


Anonymous said...

I know just how you feel. I've been going through some terrible mood swings lately.

Anonymous said...

It's been awhile since you've written anything. Are you ok? I hope you are. Please email me, I'm beginning to worry about you. Angel