Dear God,
Please help me except everyday as it is, and no more.
Please help me not to read things into other peoples statements.
Please help me for a lifetime to free myself from bondage of self. Please God help me understand and except things as they are dealt to me. Please help me keep my eyes open to everything you put in my path via' awake or asleep. Thank you for tomorrow in advance for just One Day At A Time I seek. Please hold me accountable for my actions today for when i was in my addiction I wasn't accountable for nothing. Please don't ever let me forget the days of gloom and be forever grateful for the life I have today. Please comfort the people out there still suffering in there addiction and let us in recovery forever work for you.
Thank you for my Family, Children and love I have in my life today. And last but not least Thank you for Oct. 1st. 2003 when you gave me a second chance on life. I'm now 4 years clean and sober.. Thank you!!!!!
Love you all: South Jersey Girl Gail
P.S Thank you for my wonderful trip to Ohio To see my friend of 20 years ( Now we are both sober ) what a blessing. I love it out there.. Goodnite
Congratulations on 4 years sober. Isn't it amazing how wonderful life can be seeing it through sober eyes. Being able to feel everything, the ups downs and in betweens and knowning what you've said an done. I used to hate waking up the next day after an all night drunk....I just never knew if I'd hurt someone with my nasty drunk attitude. I was a mean drunk.
I'm so glad you've hung in there and can say you now have 4 years of your life back. 4 years that you'll always remember. I have years that I didn't even know what day it was. So believe me I know how amazing being sober is. Keep up the courage and strength to stay sober cause as that saying goes, your only one drink away from going back into that pit of hell.
Congratulations! Now you can say you've got "years and years" clean and sober, ha ha ha!
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