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Wednesday, September 14, 2005


Well the end of the summer in coming to a slow for me: now it is time to just walk and sit on the beach at PEACE, I love to go to the beach I use this therapy when I hear a wave come in I attach something that is nagging me and I let the wave take it out, What a great way to get rid of stuff. When i first got sober sitting at the beach for hours and talking to God (begging) more like it really did alot for me, nut now I don't begg no more just talk and ask. I don't wish I do. I don't walk with my head down it is up. I still have lots of days where I just want to crawl into a cave and hide but someone always finds me, hahaha. I'm still finding ways to get peace at times. I guess I'm right where I'm suppost to be, but boy I'm so impatient but thats just my hyper makeup. I spent the other day on the water most of the day boy it was great just listening to the sound of nothing,,   wind, birds,waves what a great peace of mind then I had to land back on shore people, traffic, busyness lol... life what a peace of work. The thought of winter coming is so depressing but with the tanning salon summer going to be all year long for me haha,,,   Everything seems to have it stages like life one life two and etc....   what a ride.  I always said let the best day of my old life be the worst one in my new. I have started a new life 43 years old and new, Thank god....  everyday...   I watch my daughter 21 years old and she really has her shit together, I've learned so much from her and she doesn'y even know it, what a ride. When I was 21 I was already drinking and partying for 7 years I was far from having it together, I'm so proud of her. I'm coming up on Two years sober Oct. 1 it is hard to believe, I have to get my butt out and make more meetings. I used to go to a meeting sometimes two, three a day now its all work .. But if I don't go to the meetings I get nasty, angery, and lost in my head sometimes and forget how good I feel when I do go. So meetings are on my asap list.  Life is so tiring at times I don't know how I did it when all three of my kids where still living home when they where babies God had to be working real hard in my life then and now because I cannot imagine having little ones running around now.  My addiction sucked the life out of me and God is giving it back peice by piece just now if he could give me spell check for my journal hahaha,,,,    Everything is happening for a reason and I have to remind myself that. God only gives me what I can handle ( he must thing I'm super women sometimes) I handle, juggel, and keep trucking on. Being sober today and working with others and having a GREAT GOD in my life I can move mountains today: Just today
(ONE DAY AT A TIME ) so advice to all keep moving and walk proud because you are someone and someone out there wants what you have. They just have to put the hand out and we will reach out and Love them until they can LOVE themselves! 
Well until next time God bless and keep it simple.

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