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Tuesday, September 28, 2004

For only today!!!!!!!!

For only today, and what a great day it was. I just had a great day. I had a 10 hour job, ( I'm a professional cleaner ) I'm the person they call to put the houses back in shape after the touriest season comes to a end. It's pretty tough job at times but i love it. ( It's soooooo rewarding to see the finished product ). I had bowling tonight, that is something that I'v been wanting to do for years, join a team and Boy it is fun. Well Friday is coming up fast and I have to speak in WildWood for my 1 year ann. it's exciting. It just seems like yesterday I was coming in the rooms. But I don't  want to go though this first year again. So I just be training myself to stay in the day. Sometimes that is hard always projecting ( what a defect 0 hahah. ) But life it's self is hard at times. And you are all right I'am never alone. I have God and people just like myself. I told myself today ( Gail your just going to take a day and be happy ALL day ) and when stuff came into my head I just said PASS and I also reminded myself that days like this, ( THIS TO SHALL PASS ). My bad days are bad but they are coming fewer and fewer, acceptance is the key. I'm a hard headed person and very impatience so I had and still do have alot to learn, but for now I will take Gods blessing of a good day. It is so exciting that my kids are excited about this Friday coming up, Boy what a switch this time last year a matter of fact 9-28-03  I hit my bottom and had a Total Break Down The last person my kids wanted to see was ME the where scared, I was really sick, they told me my Daughter that is going to be 21 sat with me in the Hospital for two nights and I don't even re,ember it. Now boy that is the power of the drink. I pick the first of the month to be my anniversy because thats when I woke up and realized that I was in a hospital and I finally lost my mind. Thank God for God and AA because I'am 100% better today I still have 400% percent to go " BUT FOR TODAY " I thank God and my Children for being the most important things in my life today right next to my soberty, Without God and loving people around me I would be nothing I would most likely be dead. Thank God I'm here and now My kids and I have another Holiday that we celebrate ( ONE DAY AT A TIME ) love to all I have to try to get some sleep. Bye for now and your all in my prayers. Not only for today but always.   Love Yeah Gail.

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