It is so funny I want to write and the only word that came to mind for a title was WATERFALL. It is this time of year again, winter is coming and the wind and cold I hate it, BUT I LOVE WHERE I'M AT!!!!. Allot of changes this Oct-Nov... Rob moved out again when the kids my Son Anthony, Brittany, and My granddaughter moved in. This year is different, I found myself saying six years sober " Why I'm I stilling doing the same thing in areas of my life and expect a different result. I think finally for once in my life I really need to be alone and sort Thur all my emotions. Fear, Jealous, Love and dislike. What a combo. I'm trying to take it piece for piece. I haven't drank, I have a beautiful granddaughter and we have a system " Pray for Anthony to get transportation so he can go back to work in NY" They really deserve there own place to experience the full joy of a family and the WORK of it. :} When it comes to my relationship with Rob it hurts, but at the same time I just want to choke him. Every time the relationship with us goes South it comes back and the same result. It wears you thin. Working it out separately and with a professional we may make it but for now I don't really trust what to do so I'm doing nothing. Trust and respect what happened to that. How do you get it back. I have to let GO and let god. sometimes easier said then done. Huggs and prayers Gail the south jersey COLD girl. :}