So much has changed sense my last post. It has been to long. I just celebrated Six years of sobriety :}. Oct. 1st. This year so far has been the most changing of them all. I made it Thur allot in this past time. After all these years I shared that Fear has me at times. My relationship with Rob seems to have burnt me out every time he has another episode of craziness it took more of me. I had enough. Well on a better note I became a grandmother for the first time Aug 28th. 2009 She is beautiful. Her name is Angelina Maria Berenato. I never felt a feeling like I did when I first looked into her eyes and she did the same. Instant connection. Rob moved our about 2 weeks ago and I have my Son, Brittiany, and grand daughter here. You know it's not that bad. I'm feared up about money sounds stupid I know but I work so hard and then in the winter it dies. Everyone Tell's me don't worry you will be OK. I've been honestly hitting my knee's at night and praying, That is something I didn't do on a regular basic before. I really have to let someone that has all power to take control, God... This is a time in my life I think I'm gonna have to learn to trust. God and the Rooms are the only thing that keeps me sober. I must Let go and Let God. One one gate closes another will open sometimes easier said then done to believe that. But my emotional Sobriety has too.